
100.7 WHUD's Splash Car Wash Radiothon for the kids cared for at Maria Fareri Children's Hospital, a Member of the Westchester Medical Center Health Network is taking place November 20th through the 22nd, live from the lobby of the hospital! With your help over the years, we've raised over $5.9 Million for the kids, so please join our 20th Annual Radiothon this year!



100.7 WHUD's Radiothon is Presented By:

Splash Car Wash – Because Your Car Deserves a Better Wash


Thank you to our Online Donation Sponsor:


Thank you to our Hope Supporters:

Genesis Jewelers is Westchester's Full Service Jeweler ... The Origin of Fine Jewelry

From Concert to Completion: Professional Advice & Expert Craftsmanship

Mr. Softee and Nathan’s, Yorktown Heights, two favorites available together all year round

Just Lift Fitness, Bedford Hills, where fitness is a lifestyle


Thank you to our Joy Supporters:

Paul Gdanski Engineering

Beckerle Lumber, Rockland Counties Best Home Improvement store

92.5 | 96.5 | 94.3